I Walk The Line: Climate Doomerism and Climate Denialism

By G.P. (Pseudonym)

We are in a crisis, due to capitalist activity our planet’s temperature is changing, and we will see the effects of this change throughout our lives. Should we give up? Will we just accept this fate? Is there anything that we can do? These questions come up regularly when discussing climate change in a lot of the sphere of our lives. These are valid concerns one may have. It can feel helpless seeing what is happening in the world and that one is just yelling into the void of elected officials, even friends and family, who do not (or will not) address what is happening before our eyes.

Let’s face it, we can better imagine the end of the world where it is still capitalistic, than a sustainable world that is non-capitalistic. We have been raised in a capitalist society, taught in a capitalist society, and told repeatedly that the only way to live is in a capitalist society. Any other society that dares to try anything else, we are told, is doomed to fail. Capitalism, however, historically has been one of the root causes of climate change in our society. From the continued pursuit of wealth, we (white Europeans) have stripped the Earth of its resources. From coal mines to oil pipelines, we have constantly put profits ahead of people and the environment we live with.

I believe that there is a major disconnect between white settlers and the Earth itself. We see the Earth as a playground, a place to rip apart and put back together as we please. We separate ourselves from other species around us, thinking that we are more advanced. Capitalism also drives home that idea of taking more than we need, and only giving back the smallest amount necessary to our community and the Earth that gives us all we need. Remember, you cannot eat money and you cannot breathe toxic fumes. Addressing this flaw is critical to repairing our connection to this great Earth.

Even though we have a long road ahead of us, there are glimmers of hope in the darkness. Renewable energy is more accessible than ever, which means that countries do not have to go through the process of burning fossil fuels to support early infrastructure. Speaking of coal, the use of fossil fuels has started to decrease globally. The greatest accomplishment, however, in my opinion, is you! Yes, you! The one who took the time to read this little article fully! Learning is half the battle, and hopefully this article inspires some deeper introspection and discovery of what is happening in our world. We may not be able to make waves, but we can all make ripples! I will also be listing some additional materials if you would want to learn more about what is being done to change things in these trying times. Enjoy!

3000-year-old solutions to modern problems | Lyla June | TEDxKC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH5zJxQETl4 

We WILL Fix Climate Change!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxgMdjyw8uw